Wittgenstein Family Database

Sample information for specific individuals

Method and abbreviations used are explained in an attachment.

Basic information

For each person, if known: Birth, marriage, death; in each case place, date, source of data
Agricultural professions are not registered in the database, as they were seldom recorded in the church records.

Detailed information

For many individuals, the database contains additional data: Godparents, godchildren – in both cases only before 1808
Place of residence, name of the house
Honorary offices
References to data sources outside the church records

wodden figure

Dickel, Johannes, 1689
gfl. Sattelknecht (1726), gfl. Hofverwalter (1727, +)
* Gkh, 17.07.1689, Gkh 1/11/4
+ Blb, =26.11.1752, Blb 99/2
& , vor 1718,
Womelsdorf, Magdalene, 1691 (Anna Magdalene); , ,
* Gkh, 17.11.1691, Gkh 1/13/5
+ Gkh, 29.05.1770, , Gkh 2/211/1

Dickel, Johannes, 1689
gfl. Sattelknecht (1726), gfl. Hofverwalter (1727, +)
Gkh, 39, Auf dem Keller, 1719-1722 — Blb, 1726-1752
* Gkh, 17.07.1689, Gkh 1/11/4
+ Blb, =26.11.1752, Blb 99/2
Paten: Elis & HMich Lauber; Johs Fuchs, Slr
P Blb 1717 JStark, 27 DHarth (Hofverwalter), 28 GLPletsch, 28 JWomeldorf, 37 CGröning, 45 JWomeldorf (Hofverwalter); Gkh 1713 RDickel (VB), 25 JDienst (Reitknecht)
? P Blb 1717 JFuchs; Gkh 1708 ADickel
Quellen: WB 1753 Phil Dickel (gfl. Hofverwalter, * Gkh, +), 66 Johs Treude (Hofverwalter, +)
Gkh: ZR 1730-1770; AR 1718, 1720, 1725-1749; KR 1735-1740, 1743; UV 1730; Witwe KR 1752
Berleburger Chronik, S. 202 - 1752: d. 23t. 9bris ist H. Hofverwalter allhier Johs Dickel, von Gkh gebürtig, seines Alters im 64. Jahr gestorben, welches der älteste Bediente am Hof gewesen, und über 48 Jahre in Bedienung gestanden hat. Sein Successor ist H. Groll, sonsten ein Bildhauer von Gießen.
& , vor 1718, Womelsdorf, Magdalene, 1691 (Anna Magdalene); , ,
* Gkh, 17.11.1691, Gkh 1/13/5
+ Gkh, 29.05.1770, , Gkh 2/211